Escape From Olshek’s Castle [Excerpt]

Allie McGee caught her reflection in the glass of her front door and wondered if Pete would be able to tell she’d been crying. He always could. Still, she gave her eyes a quick rub hoping it would wipe away the telltale signs. “Just ten more days,” she said with a sigh, as she turned […]

My Prayer Life As An Orthodox Christian vs. How It Used To Be

In February of last year, we started going to church as a family. We chose an Orthodox church and officially joined a little over 5 months later. Becoming Orthodox has brought quite a few positive changes to my life. The one that has been the most significant is prayer. I stopped going to church when

Serenity Now

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. That sentence comes from the serenity prayer. I suppose I’ve always struggled with knowing the difference between the things I can change and those things I can’t. For

Freedom From Debt

Back in 2011, we found ourselves in a financial mess. We were deeply in debt (to the tune of over $200,000 not including our mortgage) and we were feeling completely overwhelmed and ashamed of the hole we had dug for ourselves. Around that time, my husband’s brother asked us if we had ever heard of

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