Kayla Cox – Author

Allie McGee, straight-A student and rule-follower to the core, comes home from school one day to find that her little brother Pete is gone. She remembers the imaginative stories he told about a magical tree in the woods behind her house and she sets out immediately to find him. She begins to realize his stories were true when she finds the tree and is transported to a different world, only to discover that Pete’s been kidnapped by the wicked King Olshek. She must go on a dangerous journey to get to the castle where her brother is being held captive. Will Allie dare defy Olshek? Or will she and Pete be trapped in his castle forever? Click here to read chapter one.


Allie McGee and her little brother return through the portal in the woods behind their house to find their beloved wood of Halainn in trouble. There they meet the mysterious prophet who opened the passage between their worlds. He says he must take them on a journey to the treacherous swamps of Dorscha in order to fulfill a prophecy. He warns them that going into the swamps will mean danger to their very souls. Only one thing convinces Allie they should go. King Olshek is there, and he has in his possession someone she and her brother hold dear. Will Allie make the sacrifice that is asked of her in order to overthrow the wicked king and put the rightful rulers back on the throne? Or will the cost be too great? Click here to read chapter one.


What if you could lose weight without cutting out foods that you love? That was the dream of Kayla Cox, who had struggled with her weight throughout her life. At age 30, she weighed 222 pounds and had tried every diet, sometimes with initial success, but she could never keep it off. Frustrated and feeling hopeless, she discovered intermittent fasting. In the process of losing 80 pounds, she learned she had been making weight loss too complicated. With intermittent fasting, there was no need to count calories, cut carbs, or do high-intensity workouts. Through the process of learning how to practice intermittent fasting in this laid-back and sustainable way, she was able to get to her goal weight and keep it off for 5 years and counting. In this book, she shares her method, with tips and tricks that worked for her.


Frustrating obstacles appear in every weight loss journey. Plateaus, overeating, slow weight loss, emotional eating, and weight gain are a few of the common roadblocks that can cause you to quit before you hit your goal weight. The good news is, all these obstacles can be overcome. Each chapter in this book will mentally prepare you for the challenges you are likely to face and will give you tips on how to overcome each one. It will help you to focus on the why behind losing weight and on the big picture so that you continue to make progress in a sustainable way.


The day you hit your goal weight is also the first day of your weight loss maintenance journey. If you have ever struggled with your weight, you may fear the road ahead, where the possibility of weight regain lurks. While there is more work yet to do, weight regain is not inevitable. The key is to approach maintenance in the right way.

The author, Kayla Cox, struggled with her weight from childhood until age 30 and knows from experience how frustrating it is to gain the weight back. In 2016, after losing 65 pounds, she was determined to keep the weight off, once and for all. She sat down, studied her past failures, and finally learned from them. By implementing what she has learned, she has maintained that weight loss for over 7 years. In this book, she shares her laid back, step-by-step approach to successful maintenance. She also gives you strategies for dealing with setbacks, and an unvarnished look inside her own journey.

This workbook takes you step-by-step through the entire weight loss journey, from setting your goals, to hitting your goal weight, to maintaining your weight loss. To prevent overwhelm, this guide is broken up into five distinct phases. In each one, you will build the skills necessary to fast consistently and have success with weight loss.

You’ll learn how to fast, how to track, and how to troubleshoot problems along the way. In the end, you’ll have an enjoyable plan that gives you the results you want.

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You can start potty training your baby from the day they are born. We successfully did this with our three children from birth and this book shows you how you can do it with yours. The book gives you simple step-by-step instructions and also answers common questions parents have when starting out and progressing.

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